Welcome to Conestoga Valley

We’re glad that you found us!  Our emphasis at CV is not our building or our programs, but is the community of believers in which God is forming. We seek to be a family that journeys through life together, and encourages one another in their relationship with a loving God. We hope that you find this to be a warm and welcoming community of Christ followers. 

We are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, workers, employers, volunteers, neighbors, co-workers and friends. We are just like you. 

Our ultimate goal is to grow in our faith and show the love of God to all who we come in contact with through or actions and our words.

We believe that God created every person in His image and desires to have a lasting, intimate relationship with us.

Unfortunately, our sin has caused separation in this perfect relationship. God enacted a plan for us to regain that relationship, and reconciliation can only happen through uniting with Christ in God’s plan for salvation.


Worship 8:30am and 11am

Bible Class 10am


Adult Bible Class 7pm

Throughout the week

Small Groups


Men/Lady Groups

Youth Group

In the heart of Lancaster County

2045 Horseshoe Rd

Lancaster, PA. 17602


Services are recorded and available on YouTube an hour after our first service. 

The sermon is streamed live on Facebook during our second service.

Links to YouTube and Facebook below

About Us

What to expect



Connect With Us

Email – admin@cvchurchofchrist.org

Phone – 717-393-4281

Visit – 2045 Horseshoe Rd.

            Lancaster, PA. 17602