Sharing God’s Word
Our biggest ministry, and one that is shared by all of the family, is sharing God’s Word with anyone and everyone. God’s Word is essential for every life stage and every age.
Can we share it with you ?
Small Groups: Where Do I Fit?
Life is hectic. Hard, even. The great news is that God never intended for us to face it alone. But even with the resources he gives us—His Word, the Holy Spirit, the church—we still sometimes struggle to find our place, to figure out where life is taking us and to make the connections that can help us through the toughest times.
At CV Church of Christ, we’ve found that one thing that can be really helpful is for every member to belong to a Small Group. Our groups meet at various places around Lancaster County, and get together on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday nights of each month. Bible study and prayer are regular features, while several of the groups share meals. But all the groups exist in an environment that makes it easier to ask questions, develop relationships, share struggles, and encourage each other to live a life of faithfulness to God.
We’d love for you to visit any of our groups. Our hope is that you’ll find a good fit.
Bible Classes
Bible based, age-appropriate classes are offered for all ages.
On Sunday mornings, children’s classes are offered for the following ages:
- Cradle Roll/Nursery for children under 2
- 2 and 3 year olds
- 4 year olds
- Pre-K/Kindergarten
- Grades 1 thru 3
- Grades 4 thru 5
- Middle School – Grades 6 thru 8
- High School – Grades 9 thru 12
On Wednesday nights, Kids Builders is offered for our young children, while Bible classes are offered for our intermediate, middle and high school aged children.
Multiple adult classes are held each Sunday and Wednesday. Typically there is one class that is studying a book of the Bible and one or two classes that are dealing with current issues or topics that help us to grow in our Christian life. We also have a Spanish Bible class that takes place during our Sunday Bible class time.
Community Outreach
As a family, we are actively seeking to serve those around us and in need. One of the organizations that we share our time with is the Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center.
Two times a month, a group will spend a Friday night at the Youth Intervention Center. During these times, we play basketball, eat pizza, talk sports and share God’s Word and His love with them.
Youth Group
We have an active teen-age youth group that is involved in many of our ministries and activities at CV. YSG (Youth Small Group) is held twice a month and many fun activities are held throughout the month. Everything – from Bible class to lazer tag to lock-ins are designed to help the teens to grow closer to God and each other.
Our youth group is a HUGE blessing to our family at CV.