Camp Manatawny Church Sponsorship Request Form

Camp Manatawny has played a very import roll in the lives of many CV children. We want every child to have the opportunity to attend a week at Camp.
A few important items:
Your camper must be registered at www.manatawny.org before CV can send any funds. During the registration process, do NOT request a “campership” from Camp. You will check a box later in the process that reads “sponsorship,” and that allows you to enter Conestoga Valley Church of Christ” as the sponsoring church. You will be asked at that point to enter a code, which you can get from Jeff or Monika after submitting this form. Please forward any receipts you receive from Camp to Jeff Werkheiser at jlwerkheiser@gmail.com.
Also note that a credit card number will be required to register, although the card will not be billed if you are receiving a sponsorship.
CV Church of Christ will not pay for: missed registration deadlines; putting money on account with the Camp store (“canteen”); paying for extras like pictures or T-shirts. These fees must be paid by the Camper during Registration at the start of their Camp session.