Why We Do What We Do
A worship leader will lead the congregation in singing at different times during our assembly.
Most songs will be projected on the screen; occasionally you’ll be asked to use a song book that will be located beneath the chair in front of you. Feel free to sing along, even if you don’t know the song! Our worship style is called “a cappella,” which simply means that we sing without instrumental accompaniment. The Bible indicates that this was the style used in the church of the New Testament, so that’s how we’ve chosen to do it as well. (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 13:15)
Lord’s Supper/Communion
We believe the Bible shows the early church celebrating the Lord’s Supper on every first day of the week, and so we do as well. This is a time to remember Christ’s death for our sins, as well as to celebrate his resurrection from the dead. All believers are invited to participate. First, unleavened bread will be passed. After the bread is shared, a tray with small cups of grape juice will be passed around to share as well. (1 Corinthians 11:23-34; Acts 20:7)
The work of this congregation is funded by its members, so we take a collection each week. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
Guests are welcome to participate, but should not feel obligated in any way.
Our minister will present a message from the Bible each week. Messages are intended to help us understand God’s Word more fully, and to assist in applying Biblical teaching to our everyday lives. The sermon is also translated into Spanish during our 11 am service. The sermon usually lasts about 25-30 minutes. (Acts 20:7)
Kid Builders and Children’s Bible Class
For kids ages 4-6, we have a special activity that takes place during the sermon at our 11:00 assembly. Kids will be dismissed from the auditorium and enjoy a time of worship specially geared for them that is exciting and provides them a chance to worship God in their own unique way. The safety of our kids, and yours, is extremely important to us. All children’s classes are staffed by two teachers who have passed necessary background checks required by the state of Pennsylvania.
View our Sunday Morning Worship
Conestoga Valley Church of Christ on YouTube